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Writing with Plant Editors and Peridot Scientific Communications

Here at Plant Editors, we are your partners for writing in plant biology. Our collegial, helpful, and thorough editors will read your paper, correct errors, and provide suggestions for making your writing clear, concise, and effective. As highly trained plant biologists, we also examine the content, pointing out missing controls and experimental details, flagging incorrect figure call-outs, and ensuring that terminology is used accurately. A lot of our authors find that our suggestions and comments help them learn to be better writers–and we love that! We’ve written a few posts to help you learn to communicate your science more effectively:

Check out our blog posts on writing various sections of your paper:

And on various other writing tips:

We also have a collection of friendly, sometimes esoteric, blog posts on punctuation and other minutiae of writing and editing:

Let us know if you have any suggestions to add to the list! Tweet @PlantEditors or email Maybe your suggestion will make it into the next “Ask the Plant Editors”.

We are always here to help with your scientific writing needs. If you have a paper that you’d like edited, submit it here. Moreover, our experts can help revise your figures to make them clearer and more effective. Ask for a quote for our figure services too!

Did you know that we also provide scientific writing services at our company Peridot Scientific Communications? Need a press release for that hot new paper, or a set of engaging emails and tweets for your upcoming conference? Contact us; we can help!